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Our Company

Blue Collar Restaurant Group is a family-run organization that always puts service first.

Our goal each day is to improve people’s lives and create places where they feel appreciated. For our customers, that means we are attentive and friendly, while serving delicious food and drinks. If we see someone having a bad day, we do something to make it better. We treat people like welcomed guests while they are in our restaurants because everyone wants a place where they feel like they belong. We hope that by treating people kindly, those actions ripple into our communities. One plate at a time, we hope to make the places we live more welcoming and inclusive for all people.

That goes for our staff too. As a member of the Blue Collar Restaurant Group team, you have a place here. We believe that a culture of acceptance and inclusivity starts with you. Together, our talents, our energy make up this team. While you’re here, we encourage you to work hard but don’t forget to have fun. If you see an opportunity to improve something, speak up. You have the power to affect change.

Five brand pillars guide us in everything we do. 

We are empowering, helping people realize their potential. We are inclusive, making sure everyone feels welcome. We are kind, because it’s the right thing to do. We are loyal to one another and our communities. We are spirited, encouraging friendly competitive while remembering that we are all on the same team.